
I am thrilled to announce that Kyanite Publishing has contracted me for Book 1 Of Alchemy & Angels series, which is a fun mythological fantasy series with healthy doses of lore, mysticism, alchemy, science, romance and history.

Kyanite Is an up and coming speculative fiction publishing firm. I know they are going places and I am happy to be along for the ride. 

I will be sending fun character development updates for the cool cats in these stories, who pretty much developed themselves, and how they might be dealing with current events (no politics) – some entertaining food for thought. When Book 1 comes out, you and I will have gotten to know this rambunctious group of ethereal, alchemical and battle-ready characters well. 

The night of December 13th going into the 14th is optimal viewing time for the Geminid Meteor Shower. If you have a clear sky, go wish on shooting stars! I believe those wishes do come true. One of mine just has.

Elementally Yours-

Danielle Ancona 

PS – if you want to see what I look like IRL 


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